More than just a project.

We are more than just a project management team simply just fulfilling our client’s requirements. We go above and beyond, remaining dedicated to exceptional standards in delivery of Information Technology and Healthcare IT within unique and challenging environments. We have built exemplary infrastructure and IT solutions with a dedicated team of programme and project managers who have continually enabled proficient results.


Programme Delivery

Working with a UK Commissioning Support Unit, we have been key directors in programme managing a major technology refresh project which undertook the auditing, procurement, deployment and service delivery for healthcare departments within 66 UK secure sites totaling an installation of over 1500 new computers inclusive of peripheral hardware, network and printing installations. Coordinating with OSG, prison wardens and prison Healthcare teams as well as some existing IT providers, we carried out the installation of the required equipment ensuring the efficient upgrade carried out successfully.


Project Delivery

Partnering with a UK Commissioning Support Unit, we designed and managed the roll out of a bespoke IT solution for an integrated Health and Liaison & Diversion (L&D) Service for UK police and courts. The service aimed at reducing re-offending and diverting people away from the criminal justice pathways and into treatment and support for various vulnerabilities and social needs which are often the cause of why they offended in the first place. This included Alcohol and Substance Misuse services, Mental Health services, Financial Support, Accommodation Support and Veterans Services.