HMP Chelmsford

Modernising the Service

Modernisations of the IT infrastructure used healthcare service in HMP Chelmsford. The previous solution needed auditing, hardware needed upgrading, and support needed to be faster and more efficient. The upgraded infrastructure needed to support multiple teams across a range of services, it would also need to give performance improvements wherever possible.

Updates and Upgrades

As the chosen provider JWPM set to work performing surveys and completing an audit of the site. Assets, infrastructure, software and any other aspects that could use improvement were carefully mapped out. The first clear step was an upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 across all machines to give users an OS with the latest functionality, support and security.  End-users were migrated from their old AD setup to a new domain, while cabling infrastructure was extended to support upgrades made to the network. A new pharmacy system was also deployed, and access to and electronic medical record (EMR) was provided via secure NHS smartcards. 

A Multi-Disciplined Rollout

These services were rolled out across multiple healthcare teams at HMP Chelmsford and supported thereafter by JWPM. Old services upgraded to enable faster, more efficient use, and new services were added to improve healthcare capability on site. A range of disciplines were used to address the various requirements on site.

·        NHS Smartcard management

·        HSCN installation

·        Hosting and managing infrastructure

·        Hardware/software support

·        Working with third-party providers to deliver additional solutions

JWPM is experienced in completing migrations, as well as rolling out fresh services in each of the aforementioned disciplines. Each aspect of the HMP Chelmsford project contributed to the setup of a full service, with BAU (business as usual) support and the opportunity to upgrade once further tools become available in future.