Essex Integrated Custody

When providing healthcare in a police custody setting multiple teams often need to work together to cover the full scope of healthcare requirements.  Applications and processes need to be in place to allow seamless interaction between teams which often operate in a very busy environment. 

To facilitate this process an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) needs to be in place, and needs to cater to the needs of each team individually, as well as considering custody healthcare workflow as a whole.

In the case of Essex JWPM identified which teams would play a part in the integrated service; in this case it was the custody nurse, mental health team, and the recovery support service.  Working closely with software partners and by gathering feedback from stakeholders an integrated module of an EMR was created for the project.  The system would cater to each team’s needs as well as facilitate communication and the sharing of relevant information. 

HSCN was installed on site and computer hardware was provided for the custody nurses to access the system.  All hardware was ready to access the NHS spine, the EMR, and provide NHS smartcard functionality.

Via the EMR the teams have clear lines of communication and efficient processes to allow smooth workflow.  All parties are well-informed and able to share details where relevant to provide better healthcare overall.  Services have access to NHS systems and a system that caters to their needs.